Consultation on:

To examine the effectiveness of the Welsh Government’s Designed to Smile programme in improving the oral health of children in Wales, particularly in deprived areas.


Response from Core Aim 3 CYPP Ceredigion


1. The take-up of:


a) the supervised tooth brushing scheme for 3-5 year olds,

we feel that the feedback has been good


b) the promotional programme for 6-11 year olds;

we are unaware of the programme for 6-11 years olds which suggests it has not been as well received as for younger children


2. Whether the investment has delivered improved health outcomes for the most disadvantaged children and young people;

It is too soon to say whether improved outcomes have been delivered


3. Whether the programme is operating consistently across Wales in all areas of need;

We are only able to respond regarding Ceredigion, surely this is the point of this consultation to assimilate the responses. We would be grateful for a copy of the report.


4. How effective the expansion of the programme has been, particularly in relation to 0-3 year olds;

In Ceredigion the expansion has included provision of the doidy cup as well as toothbrush and paste at 4/12, 9/12, 12/12 and 3 years by HVs has been valuable


5. Whether the programme addresses the needs of all groups of children and young people;

We not convinced it is meeting ALL children, and young people especially


6. The extent to which the Designed to Smile programme has been integrated into wider local and national initiatives such as the Welsh Network of Healthy School Schemes and Flying Start;

We feel it has been integrated into Flying Start, universal HV and Healthy pre School scheme and less so Healthy School scheme


7. The current and potential implications for paediatric dentistry, including reviewing the strengthened role of the Community Dental Service in children’s public health.

We dont know

We are surprised that the consultation did not go direct to Healthy School schemes.


Raywyn Law

Ceredigion CYPP

Tim Cefnogi Partneriaethau/Partnership Support Team,

Neuadd Cyngor Ceredigion County Council,



SA46 0PA

tel 01545574107
